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Magic knight rayearth manga online update#
Delete successfully! At least one picture Your haven't followed any club Follow Club * Manga name can't be empty. CLAMPs masterwork Magic Knight Rayearthnow in a new translation This update of the manga classic forms the centerpiece to any CLAMP collection and is also a fantastic introduction to girl-powered adventure mangaperfect for fans of Sailor Moon and She-Ra. the both are series that have one main goal, but have etended to get of trak to fight monsters and evil men. See more ideas about magic knight rayearth, knight, magic. that you get a lot of laughter and somethimes serious feelings. Explore Maricon Miguels board 'magic knight rayearth lantis love hikaru' on Pinterest. is a swordfighting, much humor, happy serie. Are you sure to cancel publishing? Publish * Manga name has existed. If you like the Magic Knight rayearth serie you should like Slayers. A classic CLAMP manga set in a medieval empire. Themes of friendship, humanity and love are prevelant. It has some romance but it is not serious. Like CCS, it has prominent elements of fantasy with female protagonists.
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GIF Image larger than 300*300px Delete successfully! Remove successfully! Copy Link Original No more data. Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon and CLAMP's Magic Knight Rayearth. Picture's max size Success Warn Oops! Something wrong~ Transmit successfully report Transmit Show More Help Followed Are you sure to delete? Cancel Report No more comments Leave reply + Add picture Only. In order to tell the story of how the work of female manga artists and their audiences.